My First Protest


Yesterday I had my first protest. It wasn’t the stand on the street yelling kind of protest, but the silent hold-my-sign-along-with-a-group-of-others-so-please-notice-us kind of protest. It was at the Cupertino School Board meeting; currently we are negotiating a new contract. The contract will hopefully include some cost of living adjustments and salary increases, being that most of us can only afford to live here because our spouses are engineers. I actually make less now than when I started almost five years ago. So, I’m really hoping we get the mula, especially considering that our superintendents have taken some pretty insanely significant salary increases over the past few years while the rest of us took cuts. I digress…
My sign actually said something about our union standing united. Josh photoshopped it with a quip my political-guru brother-in-law said was basically at the heart of every protest. I’m thinking of actually making that sign and keeping it my trunk. See, in Minnesota, you keep a snow shovel and jumper cables in your trunk so you can help yourself or others in need. In California, you keep a variety of protest signs in your trunk so you can hop out of your car and join any random group of angry people who want something. I figure, this sign could really work in all situations! I’m even thinking of some cool rhyming things I could chant that would enhance my nifty little protest sign…