Welcome Beautiful Boy


My brother (Chad) and his wife (Ronnie) added one to their flock yesterday. He doesn’t have a name yet, but he was born a healthy 10 pounder! Yeah, I was heavier than you when I was born, kiddo! *Steph issues an official “WELCOME TO OUR WORLD!” to young Whiting boy.*
Anyway, it’s been so fun to add nieces and now a nephew to my family because they get all of the adults on the ground playing again. That, and they add a whole new dimension of joy and pride to us all as we fight for their attention.
I’ll post some pics and his name when I have more info. In the meantime, I polled some of my students for name suggestions and some of them were mildly amusing. Here’s one conversation after a student suggested the name “Borgnine”:
Mrs. L: Vlad, WHO ON EARTH has the name BORGNINE?
Vlad: My cousin! He’s so nice!
Mrs. L: Oh. *walks away sheepishly*
Here are a few more of my favorites – note that these are all REAL names that my students HONESTLY suggested… just kind of multicultural at times: Biff, Boss, Brahams, Buzz, Eggbert, Glossi, Goebbels, Gokul, Graybert, Henning, Itai, Jambow, Kamp, Regards, Rendel, Royi, Salvador, Shehtert, Taiki, Thor, Vladimir, Weinrib.
Let’s hope that young Weinrib Whiting is able to get a better name from his parents! 🙂