What Mothers Do


I’m reading this (so far) great book called What Mothers Do Especially When It Looks Like Nothing by Naomi Stadlen. Stadlen is a psychotherapist, breastfeeding counselor, leader of a discussion group called Mothers Talking, and a mother of three. Her book is about “seemingly insignificant skills that mothers practice and refine every day, such as responding to a baby’s colicky cry, being instatnly interruptible, or soothing an overstimulated child to sleep” (from the back of the book). It’s almost like a psychology/philosophy perspective of mothers.
Stadlen shares lots of stories by different mothers about how they view these different “skills” and categorizes them into skills and experiences that mothers share. While reading, I found myself nodding along with some of her writing and pondering the depths of what it means to be a mother. So, I have decided that I will share my reflections on some of these “skills” in future blog posts so I can remember some of the perspectives and stories I have as a new mother.
By the way, if you are a mother and are into psychology/philosophy, you will probably really enjoy this book!