Too Sick to Go Out?
You know those times when one of your kids is sick and you’re not sure if you should take them out in public or not? Well, it was making me batty and everyone seemed to have a different opinion on the topic. Know what I did? I researched it on the interwebs and put together a simple printout for me to stick in a cabinet. Now, when a kid is sick, I’ll check their symptoms against this handout and my decision will be a snap. Hope it helps you too!
Note: I listed my references, complete with URL, on the bottom of the handout. I’m not a doctor, I just compiled answers from these awesome doctors.
Is your kid too sick to go out? I made myself a quick reference and thought I’d share it:
I wouldn’t normally do this, but Josh is dying because I posted something on this blog then tweeted it then the tweet showed up in the comments and now he’s frothing about how wrong it all is. This, from the guy who just searched the web for “your retarted” just so he could laugh at peoples’ insults with bad grammar. What’s not to love about this man??? <3