Estimated # of kid shirts accidentally washed afte…
Estimated # of kid shirts accidentally washed after child adhered a sticker from well-meaning service provider: 400 fra-jillion.
Estimated # of kid shirts accidentally washed after child adhered a sticker from well-meaning service provider: 400 fra-jillion.
CALEB: “If I ruled the world, every movie would end with the Hallelujah Chorus.”
ME: Lou, you are a cutie pie.
LOU: Okay! Gimme some pie! How ‘bout pumpkin ’n ice cream?
(And she’s asked about 4,387 times since…)
I played some classical music. CALEB: “What’s going on? Is it winter?”
Check out my Bee Leader Flight Log – I’m a Wanna Beejack
Just got ANOTHER request to do long hours of challenging design work FOR NO PAY, but for “coupons and discount cards”. #GonnaPunchAThroat