One Week of Eggs – A Study
I gathered a full week of eggs from my chickens, then sorted them based on bird and now have this little “graph” of my findings. Clearly, the White Leghorns are the winners in egg production, but I think the entire egg industry already knew that. The Orpington would be a close second if she didn’t eat so much food comparatively. I am not impressed with the Americaunas or Wyandottes at all, both as chickens and as egg producers. They are not clever, funny, fun, or reliable in egg production. In terms of personality, the White Leghorns and Orpington win out, they are hilarious with lots of personality. We have even started calling one of the Leghorns “Church Lady” because she’s so social. If a kid leaves the back door to our house open, she’ll come right in and be like, “Hey! How’s it going? Love-ly home! Just lovely!”