Our New Chicken Coop


We decided to get chickens this year and have enjoyed having them around. We love the eggs, the help in preparing the garden, getting rid of kitchen scraps, and just watching them around the yard. They follow me around in a giant, excited flock because they think I have some fine foods to give them. Oh, and they eat bugs, including wood ticks, which basically makes them awesome.

My dad designed & built their coop, with some paltry help from me. Thought I’d feature it here. We have since moved it to the side of our garden and added a fifteen foot enclosed run to the back of it.

I decided to get four different kinds of chickens because then we get four different colors of eggs:

Blue/Green eggs – Ameraucana
Brown eggs – Silver Laced Wyandotte
Buff eggs – Buff Orpington
White eggs – White Leghorn

Caleb has a little business selling eggs, and helps with most of the chores. But the truth is, Jack is the one who can’t get enough of the chickens. He is awesome at catching them. They are turning out to be an excellent project for all of us to work on and enjoy.

Front view.

Front view.

Back view.

Back view.


Painted. (And not in focus. Blech.)