Life in the Closet


Well, I worked really hard on Friday to clean our house and do laundry. I mopped the floors, cleaned the windows, scrubbed sinks…I even washed the handwash only clothes. I thought, “Now I can have a relaxing weekend doing whatever I want.” Because there was nothing (technically) left to do. Then, a horrible thing happened. I came home Friday night and went into my closet to get a shirt. That’s when I realized that the entire closet bar had ripped off of the wall.
The 5 photo boxes of pictures that I worked so hard to sort chronologically are now heaped in mixed piles. The laundry that I did and would like to put away…I can’t. The entire bar is ripped off the wall. I don’t even want to deal with it. But, I suppose that a trip to Home Depot is in my near future. And a box of hollow wall anchors. *Sigh*
Josh made a comment about me “having too many clothes” (as I quietly kissed back-to-school shopping goodbye).
It was funny to see the cat approach the closet, with her hair standing up, and slowly look into the closet with a crazed look that I doubt I could capture in text. She was ready for a monster to jump out and tear her head off, yet so curious as to the noise and the sudden disaster that she had to inquire. At least I got a laugh out of it.
I’m trying a new recipe today for something called “Meat-izza.” It’s like pizza, except with a meat/nut mixture replacing the crust. I’m worried, but it smells good. So, I guess we’ll see. I think Josh will like it because it has three different kinds of cheese on it.
If anyone wants to come over and fix my closet for me, give me a call. 🙂