Schwarzenegger and Bible Study


Well, tomorrow is the big election day in California. Will Gray Davis be ousted? Will Arnold rule supreme over Caleefornia? Does McClintock have a fighting chance? Man. Politics like this get me all worked up. I study and try to get all the facts and really try to make a decision I believe is ultimately the best choice. It’s frustrating to be around so many misinformed people that make rash or uninformed decisions regarding these matters.
It’s funny though what divisions exist between Democrats and Republicans. What stubborn people.
Oh, and if that doesn’t make tomorrow exciting enough, tomorrow is also the kickoff day for the 7th/8th grade girls small group. I met a neat girl named Annie who will be leading this Christian group with me. It’ll be cool to just hang out and be Stephanie around these girls. They’ll be coming to our house for the first month or so. This will be an interesting experiment to see how Henson handles it! Let’s all keep Henson in our prayers.
Other than that, life is pretty normal! Sorry! My hair looks normal again and I’m mostly on top of things at work! Yay!