I Wike 2 Do Dwaw-wings


Okay, so I said I’d post the link to the still life drawings my students did when they were up on our gallery, so here they are! You can click on the smaller pictures to enlarge them, which I think does them so much more justice. These are all begining Art students and their progress was amazing. Some of my favorites are the ones done by: Bhavi, Christina, Dasi, Diane, Leonard, Song, Tina, Vivian, and Yeana. Many of the students are English language learners or special ed. I wish I could put a picture of their first drawings next to their still lifes so you could see how much they improved. But, alas, I must draw the line somewhere!
You may also want to check out the oil paintings my level 2 students just finished. They turned out pretty decent for a first stab at oil painting.
Woo hoo!