Caleb’s 12 Month Stats


Another healthy checkup. We got the okay to do forward-facing car seat, but I think we’ll keep him rear-facing for awhile longer. Still breastfeeding, but we’ve also started giving him whole milk. I gave him peanut butter for the first time and he was unimpressed.
Caleb is also pretty small for his age. The doctor asked if me or my husband was a “bottomless pit” growing up. Clearly, that was not me. I’ve always been big and strong for my age. But Josh? Yeah, he could eat whatever he wanted in huge amounts until his metabolism “shut off” in his early twenties. The doctor confirmed that Caleb was also a “bottomless pit” and that I should let him eat as often as he wants in whatever quantities he wants as long as they are healthy selections.
We also got a prescription for fluoride supplements since we have well water.
Here are the stats:
Weight: 20 pounds, 5.5 ounces (15th percentile)
Length: 28.7 inches (16th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18 inches (30th percentile)