42 Most Needed Bible Verses
This is one of the many Bible verses that I have clung to, used as spiritual food, in my life trials. Especially now as a mother of three young children, enduring more than I sometimes feel I can bear, I find that I need God’s word consistently throughout my day in order to keep me focused on what is truly important in this mothering life.
In my first year of motherhood, I started memorizing Fighter Verses. They were incredibly helpful in my fight of faith and I am so thankful I started on that journey. But then more verses came to the forefront of my life through Bible reading. I started adding those important verses to notecards or scraps of paper and posting them around my house. Some verse cards were eventually taken down because they were so worn, only to be remade in desperation at a later date.
So, I took my most needed verses and did them up properly. I mean the ones I searched for in tears, that gave me much needed strength in weakness, that focused my blurred vision for life, that whispered to me “this is the way, walk in it.” I thought I’d share them here for anyone else who might benefit. Here are my 42 Most Needed Verses. Print them up, post them, cling to them. They are His word to His chosen people, after all.
42 Most Needed Verses (PDF)
Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.