Swimmin’ in the Busy-ness


Using a Float Boat, originally uploaded by StephLewis.

Caleb and I are doing a swim class on Thursday nights. It’s so much fun to see all the kids under 24 months swimming around. Caleb LOVES it and pretty much grins & kicks the whole time. Josh nabbed this pic of us in his floating boat that we got to play with for a little while. He also dunks under water pretty well. And, of course, there’s the motor boat song at the end. Anything that ends with loud motor noises and zipping around is his favorite.

Sidenote: We move into our house in two weeks. Josh and I are completely stoked. I’ve been very busy with all that connects with moving across the country and into a new house. Lately I’ve been doing: closing/title paperwork, transferring home & auto & life insurance, taxes, 401K & accounts for the monies, making lists of things we need for the house and searching for great deals, organizing updates to the house, connecting with mom groups & our new church, getting our cars cared for, ironing slacks, scheduling moving trucks, canceling CA appts. and making new ones in MN, celebrating birthdays & holidays, and caring for Caleb! Whew… I’m tired but joyous.