I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Um. Yeah.


Anyone else find this MN Twins pic freaking hilarious? (Thanks to Robb for the link.) P.S. I know, Josh posted this too. We both saw it and laughed at the same time and then had a mad race to post the pic on our sites. Eh, some of our audiences are the same and some Read More

Roll of the Dice


I saw a friend yesterday who was greatly pained by our recent miscarriage. I think she was shocked because, when she asked me how I was doing, I said, “All things considered, pretty good.” She continued by adding how sad she was for us and to keep trying and have hope… Then I said, “Honestly, Read More

Orson Scott Card is Oh So Cool


So, I’ve been reading Orson Scott Card‘s Ender series for the last couple of months. I finished Ender’s Game on audio book about a year ago; Josh and I listened to it while traveling to and from the Klamath River in Northern California. It was really really good, but I wasn’t at a point in Read More

Not a Prophet, Just Insane


Well, to answer everyone’s burning question. The man was not a prophet. Josh and I were absolutely floored awhile ago when we found out we were pregnant. Then, we realized the strangeness of it’s connection to the crazy prophet/flirt man when we were told the baby’s due date was early March. But, as is to Read More

Hope Has a Place


One look at love and you may see it weaves a web over mystery, all ravelled threads can rend apart for hope has a place in the lover’s heart. Hope has a place in a lover’s heart. ~ Hope Has a Place, Enya I spoke earlier about fear and realizing the fears that bind me. Read More

Coffee and Words in the Morning


This sweet pic from phil dokas’ photostream on Flickr I’ve started a relatively new tradition that has seen me throuh a large portion of the summer so far. But, I’m starting to whittle it down better. I get up in the morning, and after doing all of the get-ready stuff, I hop in the car Read More

I Hate Internet Explorer


I wish for it to die a slow, painful death. Actually, a quick painless one. Like ripping off a band-aid. Yeah, I want to rip off Internet Explorer off of everyone’s computers like a band-aid. It’s been oppressing web developers long enough. Sheesh.

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