I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Some Stats of Old


I don’t have a cohesive baby book for any of my kids. When they move out they’ll get a huge “pile” of digital files (photos, writing, soundbites, movies, etc.) and a small box with mementos. I’ve just never been into scrapbooking or anything related. So, in that spirit, when I found this piece of paper Read More

Louritta, 10 Weeks, and Sand


Louritta is 10 weeks old! Today one of Lou’s caring brothers dumped a shovel full of sand on her head. And like a good mother, I immediately quarantined the little sand-dumper and took photos of Lou! She is such a roll-with-it easy going kid!

Louritta Jane Lewis – 2 Months Old!


I have this long list of back-logged blogs I’ve meant to write. It is so behind that it keeps me from writing about now. Well, forget that. Even though I haven’t even introduced our new sweet daughter on this blog, I will now put up her 2 month old stats! Louritta, Age 2 Months Length: Read More