I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.




Josh and I had a nice Thanksgiving. I cooked a turkey and all that so we could enjoy a great meal and eat leftovers for a long time. It got me thinking about leftovers and how some foods are a flop if you don’t eat them right away (salad, sandwich) while other foods taste better Read More



It’s been almost a month since my last post. So sad. Well, I have 2 semesters left on the ol’ master’s degree. I hit a bit of a dry spell and am struggling to care. But, I’ve been having a blast teaching this year since I changed the way I assign homework and assess projects. Read More

Nostalgia Sets In


I recently saw Robert Altman’s A Prairie Home Companion. So many of the things in the movie reminded me of my home in Minnesota. (Sidenote – After I saw that movie, I saw The Devil Wears Prada. Meryl Streep is, I think, the best living film actress. Blew my socks off.) Anyway, I started listening Read More

Never Met a Republican


Well, I had the most interesting experience at work last week. I met someone who was my age who had honestly never met a Republican in his life. Seriously. For those of you not familiar with the Bay Area political climate, Republicans are a very misunderstood and rare breed. A lot of people are so Read More

Grass Volleyball


I played my first grass volleyball game on Saturday. It was a free agent team, and I was abducted, I mean “borrowed” to play for it. When I was playing with my outdoor Wednesday-night pals, some people came over & asked me if I’d play on their team because they were short a player. So, Read More

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