I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Never Met a Republican


Well, I had the most interesting experience at work last week. I met someone who was my age who had honestly never met a Republican in his life. Seriously. For those of you not familiar with the Bay Area political climate, Republicans are a very misunderstood and rare breed. A lot of people are so Read More

My First Protest


Yesterday I had my first protest. It wasn’t the stand on the street yelling kind of protest, but the silent hold-my-sign-along-with-a-group-of-others-so-please-notice-us kind of protest. It was at the Cupertino School Board meeting; currently we are negotiating a new contract. The contract will hopefully include some cost of living adjustments and salary increases, being that most Read More



Yes…it’s an e-mail forward. I know…THE HORROR!!! Anyway, it still makes me smile whenever I get it forwarded to me. Plus, this one had some add ons at the end which were mildly amusing. — DEMOCRAT You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty for being successful. Barbara Streisand sings for you. Read More



I went to the communist…I mean, the California Teacher’s Association conference this past weekend. I had a blast and got to hang out with some fun people. I just laugh at the mob mentality of the whole thing. I actually felt ill witnessing all of the anti-Bush stuff everywhere. They make it seem like every Read More

My Opinion Voiced…Through Flip Flops


I’ve been watching the Republican campaign for President lately, and am finding the symbol of the flip flop to be hilarious. The Republican’s are using John Kerry’s flip flops as a huge debate point in this election. It’s even gone so far as to have it’s own website. Including the schweet footwear merchandise. (Which I Read More

More Thoughts On W…


I am constantly interested in why so many people hate Bush. I have grown to the point of being just plain tired of the conversation. When Josh and I were at Stinson for our Anniversary we ate at a local restaurant. While there, we ate a meal next to a very loud man wearing a Read More

I Think it is Cool Now…


to hate Bush. It’s like this trendy little thing here. Yesterday alone I heard at least five off handed remarks about how much Bush is hated…in contexts where government and politics weren’t even concerned. Just miscellaneous mumblings about “…or like our president…” followed by a roll of the eyes. Or when we were learning how Read More

Interesting Thoughts on America


I’ve been reading Sean Hannity’s book Deliver Us From Evil. I’d recommend it to liberals and conservatives and everyone in between (even though it is from a mostly conservative viewpoint). It gives an interesting perspective on America and gets you thinking. It’s also written very eloquently so it’s a thoughtful read. Anyway, I thought this Read More

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