I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Google Reader Wishlist


I love Google Reader. I used to read blogs and news by actually going to a million web pages regularly, but their designs were usually heinous looking and it took way to long to load them all on my browser. When I finally switched to using Google Reader, I was relieved to see that they Read More

Do You Want to Swap Your iPhone?


Even thought I don’t personally own an iPhone, my husband has graced me with the pleasure of using his on occasion (assuming my hands are clean with no residue that would require excessive cleansing of the screen). Today, I saw for the first time the iPhone’s big competitor, the chocolate by Verizon. I mean, check Read More

Which to Choose?


I recently agreed to do an e-Rewards program where I fill out occasional surveys and then receive free stuff and “cash” that I can spend at stores. On my second survey, they were gathering information about how I use the web, and I was given this question: Gee. Do all of those search sites still Read More

Christmas Card Design


I was going to design our own Christmas Card this year, what with all my design skills and all. I worked very hard trying to find just the right card with all the right colors. Anyway, despite all of my hard work, Josh just didn’t like it. I can’t figure it out…

My First Wii Injury


Well, I have officially had my first Wii Injury. After totally owning at Wii Sports golf and bowling, I decided to move on to baseball. Well, I always hit a stupid foul ball or I swing too early. Anyway, so I wanted to be able to say that I also pwn3d at baseball. So I Read More

I Hate Internet Explorer


I wish for it to die a slow, painful death. Actually, a quick painless one. Like ripping off a band-aid. Yeah, I want to rip off Internet Explorer off of everyone’s computers like a band-aid. It’s been oppressing web developers long enough. Sheesh.

Macworld in My World


This year, Macworld had the K-12 Education Symposium back and I was SO THERE! It was a very inspirational conference for me as I was able to hear from many people who are utilizing technology in ways that actually further student learning. Many people around me have a tendency to use technology for the sake Read More

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