I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.

Caleb’s 12 Month Stats


Another healthy checkup. We got the okay to do forward-facing car seat, but I think we’ll keep him rear-facing for awhile longer. Still breastfeeding, but we’ve also started giving him whole milk. I gave him peanut butter for the first time and he was unimpressed.
Caleb is also pretty small for his age. The doctor asked if me or my husband was a “bottomless pit” growing up. Clearly, that was not me. I’ve always been big and strong for my age. But Josh? Yeah, he could eat whatever he wanted in huge amounts until his metabolism “shut off” in his early twenties. The doctor confirmed that Caleb was also a “bottomless pit” and that I should let him eat as often as he wants in whatever quantities he wants as long as they are healthy selections.
We also got a prescription for fluoride supplements since we have well water.
Here are the stats:
Weight: 20 pounds, 5.5 ounces (15th percentile)
Length: 28.7 inches (16th percentile)
Head Circumference: 18 inches (30th percentile)

Happy Birthday, Baby (end)


Happy Birthday, little guy.

May you shout for joy to the Lord!
May you worship the Lord with gladness!
May you come before him with joyful songs!
May you know that the Lord is God.
May you believe that it is He who made you, know that you are His.
May you someday be a part of His people, the sheep of His pasture.

I pray that someday you will enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.
I give thanks to God for giving us you, I praise His name!
The Lord is so good.
His love endures forever.
Thank you God for showing your faithfulness through all generations.

(adapted from Psalm 100)

Happy Birthday, Baby (Part 7)


One thing that is interesting about parenting is that your child is always growing. And as a parent you have to anticipate these changes, this moving forward. I’ve been looking for good motor skill opportunities for Caleb since his new thing is climbing. He climbs onto chairs and the couch, up the slide (both sides), up hills, up steps (then down, then back up again). What will be next?

The beauty of this is that eventually, this progress will bring him to a place where he stands firmly on his own two feet, taller than me, looking me in the eye, engaging in adult conversation. But for now, I get to look down on the top of his little head, pursed lips, and diaper-bunched little jeans while he explores and finds his own forward momentum.

Happy Birthday, Baby (Part 6)


Have I mentioned how cool it is to watch motor development? He’s walking, shakily, but walking nonetheless. I love when he stands up and reaches his little hand out to me so he can grasp it. I find it to be a beautiful metaphor for God’s relationship with us. He hold us up, helps us to balance, sends us on our way, picks us up when we fall… wonderful.

I call this picture “Umbilical”.

Happy Birthday, Baby (Part 5)


But, with independence and exploring, comes the question of discipline. I like to think of discipline as guiding your child through the world and teaching using positive methods as often as possible. So, I redirect his attention, teach him how to do things gently, practice being safe, and so on. But, then there came the day where he bit me in the back of the leg. I let out a yelp of pain, not ready for this kind of behavior from him. He thought it was funny and did it again. Introduce the firm, stern mother who says “NO!” He didn’t like that.

And then the other day when he decided to investigate power plugs. Not just look at them, but to unplug and attempt to chew on them. After redirecting multiple times, I ended up having to come back down to the firm, stern mother who says, “NO!”

He crawled toward the plugs today and I told him no and he retreated and focused his attention on something else. That made me feel good that he’s at least beginning to listen when I need him to. I know it won’t always work as slick as I want, but hey, we’re giving it a good concerted effort. It’s interesting to work out a parenting style when it comes to these kinds of things.

Happy Birthday, Baby (Part 4)


I spend a lot of time on the floor. We draw & paint, cook, read stories, bang on pots & pans, crawl around, make animal sounds, sort through the dirt, weed the garden, sort the mail, brush the dog, rock & dance to music, play our instruments, explore toys, try out new foods, and pretty much investigate everything. This is, I think, one of the best parts of being the mama of a one-year-old.

Happy Birthday, Baby (Part 3)


Caleb has also become quite independent. We had his first day of Musikgarten today. All of the kids in the class seemed to cling to their parents, but Caleb pushed off of me right away and wanted to sit right in front of the teacher. When she’d set out a basket of jingle bells or blocks, Caleb was the first one in there to play with the percussion instruments. He even handed a jingle bell to another little girl, which made everyone say, “Awwww!” It was adorable.

I felt so proud that my little guy feels confident to explore and engage.

Caleb’s cousin, Maia, explained something to me the other day. She said that there was a statue of a bear on top of the waterslide at the community center and that it was “Ver-wy Sca-wee.” After thinking about it she said that she could just bring Caleb with her next time because, “He’s a boy and boys are bwave!”

Indeed he is. He is ver-we bwave.

Happy Birthday, Baby (Part 2)


Here is Caleb with his best buddy in the world, Ella. He calls her and she comes to him. He throws her toy for her. He calls her and looks for her when we are away from home, especially if he is doing something exciting he wants to share with her. She is a great little dog to have around and loves so much. This may be related to the fact that he sneaks her cheetos when I’m not looking…

Happy Birthday, Baby


Well, the day has arrived, my little guy has turned one year old. So, I’m going to spend a few posts sharing my favorite pics that I took of him yesterday as he journeyed around our yard.

At one year old, Caleb is excited about art. He points to art hanging on the walls and wants to look at every picture in our house. He makes the sign for art.

Cultivating Discipline


After Caleb was born and I started staying home with him, my life became a bit of a fog. I would wander through the day taking care of him (enjoying him!), trying not to forget basic things like eating and exercise. That was pretty much all consuming, and then we decided to move across the country. So, then I balanced packing, shopping & selling, pricing moving possibilities, calling a million people to arrange storage & living arrangements… When we got here, the house hunt started and I immersed myself in that. I told myself that my job was to care for Caleb and to bring our family to a point where we could relax. Well, now we are comfortably moved in, most of the broken stuff is fixed (contractors are replacing the roof & pouring cement in the coming weeks still!), and things feel pretty good.
So, now I am excited. This is exactly the place, one year ago, I hoped I would be. Now, with Caleb in tow, I have a blank canvas before me on which to paint how I live my life. I will no longer be all consumed with insane amounts of life changes all at once (for now anyway). The question I have been asking myself is, what do I want to do now? After much thought over the past year, I have decided that I would like to cultivate disciplines in myself that are healthy and sustainable. This is not to be taken lightly and I concentrate on one at a time. Here is my list so far:
Cultivated Disciplines:

  1. Daily Bible Reading & Study – I read the Bible most mornings while Caleb and I are eating breakfast, often out loud to him. I’ve been also praying through the Psalms for Caleb and Josh and anyone/anything else that comes to mind. It is fantastic to start the day off like this.
  2. Nightime “Fly By” Cleaning – Every night I do a walk through of the house to make sure things are picked up. I go from room to room and do a quick assessment and tidy up. This means that the dishwasher is full and started before bed, laundry is put in hampers, toys are off the floor, and so on. It gives me a satisfied feeling of completion at the end of the day and also helps me to start the next day without feeling frazzled. Sometimes I’ll even do a spot clean here and there (bathroom, sweep, etc.) if I’m feeling in the zone.
  3. Memorize Fighter Verses – I started memorizing fighter verses. Setting God’s word permanently in my mind has been so important to me. I find myself reciting verses throughout the day to help me get out of a bad attitude or temporary despair or whatever. It reminds me of who I am and what my purpose is. Nothing like giving my life some directed focus!

Upcoming Disciplines:

  1. Writing – I need to write more about my thoughts. My blog has fallen wayside more often than not and I think it’s important for me to keep writing.
  2. Creating – I’ve started working on some craft projects here and there and I have some art in the works. I want to make sure that I set aside regular time where I can connect and create using my hands. There is something so satisfying about using my hands to make stuff (i.e. not on a computer!).
  3. Ministry & Hospitality – Working on this. I’m trying to understand how my day-to-day encounters with others can show Christ’s love through both words and practice.
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