I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


3. Leftover Landslide


I have officially mastered the art of the leftover landslide, or using leftovers to create a dish whose leftovers are used to make another dish, and so on. I made chicken tacos a few weeks ago and used the leftover chicken & veggies to make a tortilla soup. The tortilla soup has been rigged up Read More

2. Forward Thinking


One thing that I’ve loved about this break so far is that it has given me the chance to slow down and actually think about things. The main thing on my mind is that I will be finishing my master’s degree in May and I can’t wait to be done with school. I have started Read More

1. Shopping with Visa


I use my Visa debit card for pretty much everything I buy. When I got home last week, I was shocked that there was a message from my bank telling me that there was potential fraud on my account and that I should call them. So, I double checked the phone number and it was Read More

Top 6 Christmas Vacation Thoughts


Well, I’ve had a long, interesting Christmas. It all started at the beginning of December with Josh playing with the camera on my computer. He titles this one Sharp Teeth!. We’re all proud of his artistry. But let’s not dwell on Josh and his… talent. I have been brewing a list of things I wanted Read More

Glad I Caught This One!


I’m finishing a giganto-paper for a final for grad school. Upon proofreading it, I caught a potentially deadly error. For one section, I repeatedly explain how someone can interpret a work of art in “four easy steps” and then elaborate about each of these “easy steps.” Unfortunately, my repeated typo kept saying, “Students can interpret Read More

Christmas Card Design


I was going to design our own Christmas Card this year, what with all my design skills and all. I worked very hard trying to find just the right card with all the right colors. Anyway, despite all of my hard work, Josh just didn’t like it. I can’t figure it out…

My First Wii Injury


Well, I have officially had my first Wii Injury. After totally owning at Wii Sports golf and bowling, I decided to move on to baseball. Well, I always hit a stupid foul ball or I swing too early. Anyway, so I wanted to be able to say that I also pwn3d at baseball. So I Read More

Modern Art Murals


Many of you know that I teach art at Hyde Middle School. We recently finished putting up a bunch of paintings around campus that reflect selected modern art styles. Students worked in groups to select different styles ranging from surrealism to non-figurative (a detail of the photo realism painting is shown above). They then researched Read More

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