I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.




Played volleyball yesterday for about 3 1/2 hours. I had a blast and was so tired by the end I could barely stand up. But, they convinced me to stick out one more game of 2-on-2. I’m such a sucker. I played with some people I haven’t met before and that was pretty neat. Afterwards, Read More

Choices, Choices


Because I shop at PetCo and have that stupid yellow card thing I have to carry around with me, I occasionally get coupons. The latest is a coupon for a free gift! I must choose from the following: • LM Animal Farms Vita-Vittles Gold Small Animal Food, 2 lb. bag • Kaytee Treat Stick for Read More

The Star Wars Universe


Well, I saw the third Star Wars movie (Revenge of the Sith) in theaters a little while ago. It was pretty good…well, at least it was better than episode I and II. So, Josh and I went out and bought the episode 4-6 trilogy. I saw them a long time ago, when I was too Read More



My health is pretty the suck today. My throat started hurting yesterday and today it’s in full-blown hurt. I took some Dayquil and have been sucking on the sugar-free Halls cough drop dealies. I’d love to go running right this second but don’t think it’d be such a good idea. Maybe later today if I Read More

More Stuff


Well, I haven’t posted in awhile because…well, I pretty much have sucked at even reading e-mail for a bit. As for my H&F, I’ve gone running a few times. I also surfed for several hours and had three sweet, long volleyball games. Since it’s summer, my outdoor pals are starting up every week again, and Read More

Back from the Hiatus


Well, the last few weeks have been crazy-busy. Today is the first day in three weeks that I haven’t had at least one event that I have to go to. So, I slept in, watched a Gilmore Girls episode, gave the dog a bath, picked up some stuff. I’m hoping to catch a movie or Read More



My life has been crazy-busy lately and I have lots to rant about. But, unfortunately, I have no time to rant. So, here’s an article that made me stand back and say, “Sheesh!” I’ll come back and rant in a week or so when the play I’m directing is finally over with!

Ow, My Skin.


I went to the dermatologist today because my skin rash hasn’t been healing. So, she had me lay down, Novocained my back, then took off a chunk of my skin to send to the lab. Isn’t that weird that a little circle of my skin got cut off? Sorry to those of you with weak Read More

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