I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Sometimes You Wanna Go…


Where everybody knows your naa-aaa-ame! And they’re always glad you caa-aaa-ame! Yeah, so, today I realized how extreme my coffee addiction is. I walked into Starbucks and the two girls who were on shift tonight looked up and said, “Hey, Stephanie! How’s it goin’?” I said that all was well. One responded, “Do you want Read More

Board Update


Last night I got a ton done on my national board stuff. I still have about 50 pages left to write and more random stuff to do (copy my ID, map out room layouts, demographic study, organize my artifacts, etc.), but that was a huge step for me. I feel like I’m starting to see Read More

Why is Extra Caramel So Hard???


Okay, those of you who know me know that I have coffee addiction issues. I’m too busy to go through withdrawal now, so it is what it is. Anyway, my drink of choice is an iced latte with extra extra caramel sauce & an extra shot of espresso. I like the strong coffee flavor. I Read More

Oscar Madness


K…I don’t want to go off on the Oscars or anything. I’m just mad that The Aviator didn’t take Best Picture & Best Director. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I loved Million Dollar Baby and think Clint Eastwood is a phenomenal director and can really put together a great character-centric film. But, Scorsese made Read More

There is a Redeemer


As life progresses, I keep learning more deeply about different aspects of God and who He is. Recently, I’ve been dwelling on Him as my Redeemer. A recent study of the Book of Ruth gave me new insights to what a kinsman-redeemer is to a person. Especially a person who is broken and left alone, Read More

Heh Heh Heh!


The other day in class the office called and told me to send Yu down to the office. I covered the phone and announced across the room, “Hey, Yu! Go to the office!” Half the class looked at me puzzled, pointed to themselves, and said, “Who, me?” Then we all watched Yu grab his backpack Read More

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