I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


The Star Wars Universe


Well, I saw the third Star Wars movie (Revenge of the Sith) in theaters a little while ago. It was pretty good…well, at least it was better than episode I and II. So, Josh and I went out and bought the episode 4-6 trilogy. I saw them a long time ago, when I was too Read More

Oscar Madness


K…I don’t want to go off on the Oscars or anything. I’m just mad that The Aviator didn’t take Best Picture & Best Director. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I loved Million Dollar Baby and think Clint Eastwood is a phenomenal director and can really put together a great character-centric film. But, Scorsese made Read More

Top 41 Movies


Long in the waiting…I have finally come up with my personal top 41 list of movies, in order, as it is today (Dec. 26th, 2004). There are other movies that I loved and thought were visually stunning or mentally stimulating, but that just didn’t connect with me personally. These are the movies that I’ve quoted, Read More

The Cat in the Hat???


I was looking through my Netflix account for movies I’d like to see. I happened upon The Cat in the Hat. Since I missed it at the movie theater, I thought, “Hey, I could schedule this to be next on my Queue and watch it at home. It’s Mike Myers, it can’t be all that Read More



Well, I watched The Passion of The Christ yesterday. Kind of on a whim…but it was worth it. Anyway, I guess I’m just kind of sick of how society is dealing with this movie. On one hand, you have loads of Christians encouraging each other to see it, excited by the dialogues that may occur Read More

By the way…


You absolutely have to see the movie American Splendor. It’s one of the best flicks I’ve seen in a long time. I won’t go on about it. Just take my word for it, get to a theater and watch it. Even if you have to drive 260 miles and look like a “neurd!”

Gigli – A New Hit From Hollywood


Gigli is the new hot movie opening this weekend. I hear it’s supposed to be a great box office smash. The critics are raving over this one. Here are a few of the things they’ve said: 1.  “I had a brief thought that the mundane inanity might be some Samuel Beckett-style commentary on the existential Read More

I am Saddened by America Today


Today, I looked at my favorite website (as I do every day). There, I saw something that was too horrific to behold. In the movie boxoffice, Pirates of the Caribbean moved down to number two and Bad Boys II moved up to number one. I feel saddened to live in a society where something like Read More

Patronizing the Liberal Front


There are three movies that I want to see right now. Unfortunately, none of them are in regular movie theaters. No, the ones I want to see are foreign films & documentaries that are featured at The Towne, a small “artsy” theater in San Jose. Problems is, as Josh put it, the lobby is filled Read More