I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Frustrating Game


Well, we totally got cremed tonight. Two of our players haven’t practiced with us AT ALL since last year and one only practiced with us a short time. It was frustrating to have people all rusty and feeling awkward working together. We also played 6-2 and I don’t think everyone had a good sense of Read More

New Season


Well, volleyball has started up again and we have our first game in the advanced league tonight. I’m so stoked. Our team was able to practice yesterday and we were practicing the 6-2 formation, which was lots of fun! A little chaotic… but fun. I think it will just get better the more we play Read More

I Look Like a Man…


Well, I figured out one significant key to what keeps mine and Josh’s marriage happy and healthy. Not being too sensitive. Very often, I see couples around me complaining that “he’s not sensitive enough” and wah wah wah. And it’s frustrating, because I see the guy walking on eggshells everytime he’s around his wife. And Read More

Welcome to the Family!


Well, it took me long enough to post this! On August 27th, I had the pleasure of standing with my brother and his lovely lady, Kristin, at their wedding. It was a beautiful event and it’s awesome to have another sister! Growing up with only brothers, it’s been awesome to add Ronnie & Emily to Read More

iPod Lock???


School has started again, and so has using my iPod to blare music into my art room as we’re all chillin’ and making stuff. Last year, iPod theft was a huge issue and I can’t help but worry about it myself. Not to mention my sweet Bose stereo. I never worry about my laptop because Read More

Bible Donations


I lead the Christian Club at my school and would like to get a set of Bibles to keep at school to use for our weekly Bible studies. If you are interested in donating one or more Bibles, would you please e-mail me? I’d be open to any new or used NIV translations. If you’d Read More



I was grading the Room Procedures Exams today, which I grade immediately when students are finished. They work on another assignment while I move around the room and grade the exams right in front of them. This way, I can ask for clarification, which is especially important for my English language learners. Anyway, one of Read More

Strange Picture – My Fate?


Josh sent me this pic from my brother’s wedding. He said he liked it because I looked all cute and smiley. But it disturbed me. It’s a picture of me and my niece, Jenna. She’s obviously very wiggly. 🙂 It was awesome to go back to MN last weekend and see Nate tie the knot. Read More

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time…


[The following is Steph’s fictional write up that was imagined when she saw this picture:] One of my friends is a science teacher. She went to a yard sale and saw all of these empty clown planters with accompanying unidentified seeds. She thought, “What a great idea! I get these for really cheap and I Read More

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