I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


My House is HOT!


Seriously, it’s like a greenhouse in here lately. As Josh points out, I’m way sensitive to heat. I get all tired and sick feeling, I don’t want to eat anything, and just get generally lethargic and lazy. Basically, the hotter the temperature, the more reruns of Cops and Judge Judy I watch. It’s pretty sad. Read More

Her Heart, With Love


I recently found out that a dear friend of mine lost her spouse in a car accident. It’s one of those moments where there are no words to comfort or to express the ache. I have to believe in God’s greater plan, that He is who He says He is, and that He still continues Read More



Played outdoor volley with some buds today at the park for about 2 1/2 hours. I served at maybe 70%. Not as good as I’d like it to be, but definitely improved from my recent serving freeze (yuck). I think I’m getting much better at hitting and timing a good spike. I didn’t have any Read More

Surf Cramps


Dude, I’m a blogging machine today! Anyway, this dude named Serginho Laus surfed the longest wave ever on 6/24/05 and is now in the Guinness Book of World Records. He rode it for 10.1 KM (6.3 miles). The magic happened on Brazil’s river bore wave, the Pororoca. The article says he “went to bed with Read More

Do You Do Netflix?


I love Netflix. Do you? Part of the membership is that you can add “friends” to your profile. Then, you can see movie recommendations based on your friends’ ratings of movies, as well as the movies they have out and are at the top of their rental queue. So far, I have Neal on my Read More



I haven’t been posting stuff lately. Here’s the low-down of what I’ve been up to: Volleyball on Wednesday nights Volleyball on Sunday afternoons Sit-ups/Crunches & Push-ups daily (amount varies) Running 2-3 miles at least once a week Unfortunately, I haven’t been surfing for awhile. I just sold my board and am waiting for the transfer Read More

Ahhh! Oxygen!


I found out a year ago that I have asthma. My current guess is that it has something to do with working with clay way too much. Anyhoo, it’s been difficult to breathe sometimes as a result. This summer it’s been bad, with me having attacks five minutes in to exercise. I’ve been a trooper Read More

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