I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Most Loving Thing…


I listened to part of the Dr. Laura show on the ol’ AM station today and she was having guests call in and answer the question, “What is the most loving thing you’ve seen someone else do?” So, I got to thinking about what my answer would be. I thought of things that were awesome…but Read More

I Want to Be a Morning Person


It’s true. I want to be the kind of person who gets up and feels rested and connected before starting the day. The difficult thing is that they also have connotations of being no fun at night because they…well, they go to bed at a regular time. That translates into being boring, no fun, “old” Read More

How Stupid/Greedy Can You Be???


So, I’ve been sluggishly following the Michael Jackson molestation trial. It’s totally bizarre and, I’m sure you would all agree, Jackson just gets freakier and freakier by the minute. When I look at him I try to remember the Jackson of the good ol’ days when he could spin into the ground and turn into Read More

My Wicked (Transatlantic) Dream


Along the same lines as Eddie, I thought I’d share my recent dreamland. I was at this place and I was not allowed to leave until I thought of a real word that started with “Transatlant–.” Well, I thought and thought. The only thing I could come up with was “Transatlanticdentalism.” I knew it wasn’t Read More

The B-I-B-L-E.


I received my first “adult” Bible from Wyoming United Methodist Church in Wyoming, MN after completing my confirmation classes. It didn’t mean a lot to me then, and it just got slapped on the dusty shelf at home. But, years later, after I became a Christian, the book got opened and drawn in and slept Read More

Top 5 Books of the Bible


Well, I’ve been thinking for three months to get a list of top five favorite books of the Bible. I’ve gone for a good month and a half consistently agreeing with the ones I’ve chosen. I teetered a bit on if I wanted Isaiah or Ecclesiastes for my number 5 slot, but finally decided on Read More



Because I’ve been so busy with stuff lately (mainly a new semester at school and my National Board stuff), people have been all worried about if I’m doing okay. The fact is…I’m doing super! I mean, I have a lot of work to do, but I think that I finally have figured out how to Read More

Eyelid Fixes


Over Christmas break Nate Gossett was telling me about how important (& fashionable) eyelid folds are. So much so that products and bizarre make-up techniques are now available to fix the problem. Check this out. So strange. Cute video though…that lady has a smooth voice!

Tsunami Before/After Link


A friend sent this link to me. It’s satellite pics of areas hit by the tsunami. You can see what it looked like before, then hit a button to see what it looked like after. There is some serious devastation there. Entire villages…gone.

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