I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Digging Out of the Pile


I’m not majorly stressed feeling right now. I went to bed at like 7:00 yesterday because I was so exhausted. It feels kind of lame to be going to bed so early on a Friday night. Anyway, it seems like everything has been piling up in my life and I’m not really digging it. (Heh Read More

Home away from Earth


God has really been impressing on my heart the past few weeks a joy and desire for heaven. I love the earth, but knowing that heaven is even greater blows my mind. I used to really be afraid of the thought of eternity (it is still a bit scary). I mean, it seems odd that Read More

Top 41 Movies


Long in the waiting…I have finally come up with my personal top 41 list of movies, in order, as it is today (Dec. 26th, 2004). There are other movies that I loved and thought were visually stunning or mentally stimulating, but that just didn’t connect with me personally. These are the movies that I’ve quoted, Read More

My Family is Like Shifting Sand…


It’s changed by every wave. It’s only during the holidays that I see how much my family has changed, no, morphed over the years. The family I knew as a child has been reduced, expanded, and scandalized. As a kid, my family consisted of my aunts & uncles, cousins, grandparents, and, of course, my parents Read More

PH33R CURV35!!!


Here’s my bit of local news, along with a note of sympathy to my dear, sweet husband. When we moved into our new place, there was a cute pizza parlor across the street called Bruschetta’s. It was a home-town Italian bistro where families and teams would meet after sports games or after long bike rides. Read More

I Wike 2 Do Dwaw-wings


Okay, so I said I’d post the link to the still life drawings my students did when they were up on our gallery, so here they are! You can click on the smaller pictures to enlarge them, which I think does them so much more justice. These are all begining Art students and their progress Read More

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