I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


*Long Sigh*


Day at the Beach 27, originally uploaded by StephLewis. We finished unpacking last week. Yes. Finished. Even pictures are hung. There is not one box left (except some of Josh’s boxes that are mashed with cords, old software, and Mission Control tapes… but those are his problem and not mine). It feels fantastic to be Read More

My Little Helper


My Little Helper, originally uploaded by StephLewis. Well, we officially move in 11 days. I’ve been working during the day, with Caleb in tow, trying to pack and organize our stuff. I’ve hardly made a dent in the garage, let alone the rest of the house. Before baby Stephanie would have been done with the Read More

Unpacking Boxes


They seem neverending. I’m amazed at how much random junk we have. I think I mostly finished the bedroom & kitchen and am now moving on to unpacking the bathrooms. Josh’s job involves anything with cords and plugs and stringing cords along walls. I hate those jobs. So, hopefully this will be done soon so Read More