I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Homeless People


One of the joys of teaching is that sometimes the responses students give you for things are down right hilarious. This one was great: Question: If someone said to you, “I can’t draw, I wasn’t born with that talent,” what advice would you give them? Student Response: It doesn’t matter how well you draw, it’s Read More



I was playing Ella Fitzgerald in my class at Hyde the other day. The students were all working on a still life drawing and listening to some of her classic hits for about a half hour when one kid exclaims, “This lady SUCKS!!!” I was like, “Ummm… Sorry, what did you just say?” And then Read More

I Wike 2 Do Dwaw-wings


Okay, so I said I’d post the link to the still life drawings my students did when they were up on our gallery, so here they are! You can click on the smaller pictures to enlarge them, which I think does them so much more justice. These are all begining Art students and their progress Read More

A Story


I have a student who is mostly-deaf, and he’s supposed to wear a hearing aide. But he never wears it. MRS. LEWIS: Why don’t you ever wear your hearing aide to school? STUDENT: What?

Top 10 Goals for Your Life


One assignment that my students have is to write a list of the top 10 things they want to accomplish in their life. This gives us a starting point for what they want to make their Art about. Here are some of my favorites (original spelling/grammar has been preserved): Alex, a 6th grader, said: 1. Read More

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