I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Macworld in My World


This year, Macworld had the K-12 Education Symposium back and I was SO THERE! It was a very inspirational conference for me as I was able to hear from many people who are utilizing technology in ways that actually further student learning. Many people around me have a tendency to use technology for the sake Read More

Welcome Beautiful Boy


My brother (Chad) and his wife (Ronnie) added one to their flock yesterday. He doesn’t have a name yet, but he was born a healthy 10 pounder! Yeah, I was heavier than you when I was born, kiddo! *Steph issues an official “WELCOME TO OUR WORLD!” to young Whiting boy.* Anyway, it’s been so fun Read More

My First Protest


Yesterday I had my first protest. It wasn’t the stand on the street yelling kind of protest, but the silent hold-my-sign-along-with-a-group-of-others-so-please-notice-us kind of protest. It was at the Cupertino School Board meeting; currently we are negotiating a new contract. The contract will hopefully include some cost of living adjustments and salary increases, being that most Read More

Good Morning Starshine!


I hate mornings. Only on weekdays. For some reason, I get up early on Saturdays quite naturally very often. It’s the other days of the week where I’m tired and mildly delirious and have to go to work and I just don’t get up well.

Credit Whore


Okay, maybe the word whore is a bit strong, but that’s essentially what I’ve become. You see, in education, the only way you can get a raise is by getting something called Continuing Education Units (CEU), or by accomplishing a higher degree. It’s basically me paying so I can continue teaching so others can get Read More

Meet Ella!


Please welcome the newest addition to our family, ELLA! Official name: Ella Bo Jangles. I know, she looks a lot like Henson, but she’s actually smaller and is a girl and has one blue eye (in addition to her other brown eye, of course). Her personality is also very different from Henson’s. She wiggles and Read More

How’s My Driving?


I love commercial vehicles that have those signs on the back that say “How’s My Driving? 1-800-PLEASE-DONT-COMPLAIN.” Or something like that… I was driving behind one today. It was a Schwann’s Truck. It was the first time in my life that I was REALLY REALLY tempted to actually call that number. See, unlike Andy’s rant Read More



Man, I am so tired. Not sleepy tired. Just general, “Hi! Merry Christmas! YAY!” tired. Josh and I have several days left in Minnesota and I’m really hoping these last ones will be super chilled out. It’s rough that I see my family 1-2 times a year and that they are always crazy whirlwind events. Read More

Pretty Good Year


Despite my being way too busy this year, I was able to finish off a pretty decent volleyball season. I’m looking for another team to play on since it’s my favorite form of exercise! This was the first year my team played in the advanced league and we did quite well! We were in 3rd/4th Read More

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