I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Wicked Cool Portraits


I just checked out a post on Elyse Sewell’s blog. She saw an interesting exhibit at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo. It’s an exhibit titled Dialogue With the peasants of Tiangonsi Villages by Chen Shaofeng. The artist basically had his subjects sit across from him and they would simultaneously paint portraits of each other (hence Read More

Jennifer Hillary Sullivan


This is a new (and living!) artist that I’ve been digging lately. I first saw her painting Gaze on a greeting card at a local bookshop (pictured here, Oil on Canvas, 24″ X 36″, 2003). I stopped and was drawn in by the interesting way she cropped the picture and her delicate values. Then, I Read More

School’s Out!


Yeah! I think the school year ended quite well. I had awesome students this year and they made it really great. So, now I have my Board exams on Tuesday, then start next week teaching summer school. I’m doing a 6th grade core class (Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Math) so it should be pretty Read More



Played volleyball at a park on Sunday for like three hours. It was decent play. Today I performed as Freddie Mercury for the school talent show. I was drenched in sweat afterwards because that man has some seriously interesting stage movements. Heh heh. Fun cardio is the best cardio.

Talent Ethics


I’ve been considering some different questions regarding how a person’s talents are used and/or abused in various settings. I personally get frustrated a lot when my work overuses my talents. It’s like, when you’re the art teacher you are expected to make posters (because apparently when you’re an artist, you’re also a postermaker), manage art Read More

California Dreamin’


I have a dream that one day I will have a bigger, floatier surfboard so I can snag more waves and ride them all the way in to the beach. I have a dream that this board will not require waxing and will fit securely under my arm when I carry it into waves. I Read More



Had a schweet volleyball game yesterday. The only thing that stunk was that my asthma was acting up and it made it hard to breathe and I was hesitating on the court. So, I felt slower and sluggish. But, I got in a good 2 1/2 hours of play! Good fun.

Friday, I Mean Thursday


I hate it when it’s a Thursday and it feels like a Friday and yet it’s still only THURSDAY! Grrr… My throat has hurt since last Friday and now it hurts to swallow. One side of my tonsils is swollen and it hurts. I called the doctor and they told me to drink lots of Read More



I’ve been sick since Friday afternoon and, darnit, I’m sick of being sick! It’s one of those stupid head-cold things that makes your throat hurt and your sinuses clog and your general awareness of what is happening around you very foggy. My friend Brian gave me a ride home after work on Monday, and I Read More

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