I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Ahhh! Oxygen!


I found out a year ago that I have asthma. My current guess is that it has something to do with working with clay way too much. Anyhoo, it’s been difficult to breathe sometimes as a result. This summer it’s been bad, with me having attacks five minutes in to exercise. I’ve been a trooper Read More



Played volleyball at a park on Sunday for like three hours. It was decent play. Today I performed as Freddie Mercury for the school talent show. I was drenched in sweat afterwards because that man has some seriously interesting stage movements. Heh heh. Fun cardio is the best cardio.



Had a schweet volleyball game yesterday. The only thing that stunk was that my asthma was acting up and it made it hard to breathe and I was hesitating on the court. So, I felt slower and sluggish. But, I got in a good 2 1/2 hours of play! Good fun.



Played volleyball yesterday for about 3 1/2 hours. I had a blast and was so tired by the end I could barely stand up. But, they convinced me to stick out one more game of 2-on-2. I’m such a sucker. I played with some people I haven’t met before and that was pretty neat. Afterwards, Read More

More Stuff


Well, I haven’t posted in awhile because…well, I pretty much have sucked at even reading e-mail for a bit. As for my H&F, I’ve gone running a few times. I also surfed for several hours and had three sweet, long volleyball games. Since it’s summer, my outdoor pals are starting up every week again, and Read More

Feelin Good.


I’ve been a surfin volleyball weight-lifting machine lately. I’ve been so hooked on outdoor sports and my new membership to Apple Fitness that I’ve pretty much collapsed every night for the past week because I’ve just been completely physically exhausted. It’s so nice. Today was awesome playing volleyball because I’ve been doing exercises & lifting Read More

Crappy Play


Man, I played the crappiest volleyball game yesterday. Maybe I’m just down because it was my team’s first loss this season. The team we played was one of those teams with a bunch of jumpy, manly, hard-hitting guys. They had the two required females, who obviously felt inferior to the guys’ playing ability. Our team, Read More

I Am Equal to a 13 Year-Old


The rules for the volleyball league I’m playing in are kind of funny. They require that each team has a minimum of two women. (I’m proud to say that my team has only 2 men and we still kick boo-tay!) Anyway, the rules also state that a child who is 13 or younger may be Read More



Man, am I tired! The last two weekends have had out-of-town conferences for me to go to which has packed me full of information and social gatherings. Now, I’m scrambling to get things back on track. School has been going well and my students are right where they should be. Volleyball has been a total Read More

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