I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.

*Long Sigh*


Day at the Beach 27, originally uploaded by StephLewis.

We finished unpacking last week. Yes. Finished. Even pictures are hung. There is not one box left (except some of Josh’s boxes that are mashed with cords, old software, and Mission Control tapes… but those are his problem and not mine). It feels fantastic to be unpacked and I feel like I can finally stretch my arms and enjoy it a bit.

One joy of being unpacked is that my house is not a deathtrap to babies anymore. This is good, considering that I have a baby. Just in time too. In the last two weeks, Caleb has started cruising quite well. He can open cabinets and drawers (and dump their contents everywhere). He can go up stairs very quickly. He can “walk” by pushing one of those baby-pushy-help-you-walk things. On a good day, I’ve seen him scramble onto the couch (not crawl, scramble, it’s more like a strange baby dance). So, I need a baby-proofed house. And now I have one.

Caleb’s language has also been making great strides, which I am loving. He now consistently uses “Ahh-Duh” (all done) to announce when he is done eating or done taking a bath. Sometimes he will use the sign for “finished” instead. He says “da da” in reference to Josh. He says “Ella” very clearly to Ella, but doesn’t call every dog in the world “Ella” anymore. They are now “Duh” (dog). His favorite word right now is “Aight!” (light), which he says to pretty much anything that has a light coming out of it. He emphasizes the “t” sound so much that it sometimes sounds more like “aight-TA!” I sat him in the hatchback of my car while I took off his swim trunks and he kept banging the light in there going, “Aight! Aight! Aight!” It was pretty funny.

Caleb loves swimming. We go to the beach pretty regularly and he really enjoys the water. We do all of the little things we learned in swim class, and he just squeals. I love the beach because Caleb loves it, and it’s really relaxing for us both.

Oh, and Caleb got his first haircut yesterday. I took him to the hair salon and sat him in my lap and read him stories while the girl tried to cut his hair. His hair basically looks the same, only it’s evened up now. He had some patches of super long hairs here and there, and now it all flows much better. Still looks like a baby though. I got my hair cut into a bob with long layers. We’ll see how long that lasts.

I’m working on redesigning my blog. It is currently a horrid design disaster that is a result of (1) my designing it before I knew anything about good design, and (2) trying to get stuff up so my family could use it without actually paying attention to how it looked, and (3) being so busy that I just didn’t care. Actually, the layout is all done, but I just have to transfer the stuff to Photoshop so my hottie of a developer can make it work for me. I’m also working on getting fighterverse.com up and running and have some cool ideas for it. I have also decided to let go of hydeart.com because I don’t work there anymore. It’s such a pretty site, I hate to see it die.

Well, that’s the quick catch up on what’s going on with Caleb and me. Life is good right now and I’m just enjoying the many sweet moments that have come my way.

Caleb’s First Kiss


Caleb’s First Kiss, originally uploaded by StephLewis.

My mom has this doll that sings “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” Caleb has always loved her Austrialian-sounding voice and the spunk with which she sings the song. He also loves to chew on her hair. That being said, when she sang to him today, he got so excited he waved his hands in the air and then kissed her! Or was he biting her face? I’m not sure, but it looks pretty kissy to me! Caleb is 9 months, 1 week here.

King, the Shetland pony


King, the Shetland pony, originally uploaded by JL!.

He is SO cute! As you can see in this pic, he’s cleaned up a lot since when we first brought him home. And he’s a feisty little guy. When he’s with the girls, my dad’s two mares, he gets all prancy. His gaits are beautiful and you can actually jog with him when he lopes. He is also extremely refined for a little pony (just check out that bone structure). All of the ponies from my childhood were fat, like they had swallowed a barrel whole. It’s so fun to have this little guy around.

My nephew, when asked what the pony’s name was said, “KING PONY!!!!!!!!!” and threw his hands up excitedly. I asked him if “King Pony” was all one word or one name. He explained to me that “King” was the pony’s first name and “Pony” was his last name. Worked for me.

Caleb’s Nine Month Stats


Eating Fun 9, originally uploaded by StephLewis.

We went in for Caleb’s nine month well-baby checkup today. They said he is overall a very healthy and “advanced” baby in terms of his abilities. He is, however, below average when it comes to the regular baby stats. Here they are:

Weight: 18 lbs., 13.9 oz. (24th percentile)
Length: 27.50 inches (26th percentile)
Head: 17.17 inches (46th percentile)

He’s also an eating machine. The doctor said that babies run a spectrum from being very eager eaters to being very finicky (in terms of eating “real” food vs. baby food). Caleb eats pretty much everything (except the “baby no-no” foods), and most of these are things from my plate that I just chop up for him. He will refuse baby food unless it is chunky, so I’ll usually mix something in with it (usually rice or cereal puffs). His favorite foods now are cheetos, garlic cheesy toast, green beans (whole, cooked), meat, cottage cheese, and garlic mashed potatoes. I find that a dash of garlic or cinnamon can make the difference between lips clamped shut or mouth wide open. So, he’s definitely a connoisseur.
Oh, and he also has a tooth! It broke through on May 22nd. It’s the top-left tooth. I think the top-right is going to come next because it looks like it’s ready to break through any day now. He’s handled teething pretty well. We relieve the pain with my home remedy. I take one ice cube, put it in a baby washcloth, then twist it up with one of my hair ties. I dip it in water and hand it to him and he just sucks away. He is not even interested in store-purchased teething rings and I personally think they’re a wasted effort. Sometimes we’ll split a fruit popsicle too. I don’t mind splitting popsicles! It’s one of the honors of motherhood! (Mmmm… popsicle… garaglaaallllhhhhhahahahaha…)
He’s growing, he’s fantastic, and I’m loving every minute of it.

Signs of Life


Caleb has been growing like a weed lately and he’s almost 9 months old. He crawls really fast (watch out!) and pulls himself up on whatever he can grab. He has been trying to cruise and has been successful at it a couple of times. Since his motor skills started developing rapidly, he has relied less on speech. The only words I hear from him anymore are “Ella” in response to pretty much any dog he sees, and “Mama” when he’s really upset (although he does sorta sing, LOL). That’s about it.
But, yesterday he returned his first sign! Josh and I were at the Village Inn eating after the terrible hail storm. There were ceiling fans above us that Caleb was fascinated with (as usual). We gave him the “round-and-round” sign several times. He was very serious and eventually returned the sign. I was so stoked. He has repeated it this morning already with the ceiling fan in our bedroom and in his bedroom. It’s so cool and I am so stoked. Oh, and did I mention that I’m stoked? I am.



I have been praying for God to reteach me about things that I learned when I was younger, in an effort to have a more mature grasp of what they mean. One thing I wanted to learn more about was holiness and this is what I learned in my studies.
God simply IS holy. I was struck by my Old Testament reading in Exodus, particularly Exodus 33. One of the things the LORD says to Moses is, “Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey. But I will not go with you, because you are a stiff-necked people and I might destroy you on the way.” And in verse 5 the LORD says to Moses, “Tell the Israelites, ‘You are a stiff-necked people. If I were to go with you even for a moment, I might destroy you. Now take off your ornaments and I will decide what to do with you.'” (italics mine).
Whenever I read this, I’m like, “HE MIGHT DESTROY THEM!?!?!” Well, yes, because He is that holy. His holiness is so pure and perfect that He cannot even be in the presence of evil or He will destroy the unholy vessel. God chooses to withhold himself from the Israelites here because He knows how powerful His holiness is, which also sets in further motion the gospel redemption story through Christ (God wants to be with us, we are unholy & would be destroyed by God because of his holiness & justice, He sends Christ to live a sinless life and to be sacrificed as a lamb to pay for our sins, we are purchased by God through the blood of Christ, God chooses those to bring to Himself so we can return to our original purpose of glorifying and worshipping Him…something like that).
God’s holiness is jealous. In Joshua 24:19, Joshua says to the people, “You are not able to serve the LORD. He is a holy God; he is a jealous God. He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins.” This struck me because I recognized that God originally made us for the purpose of glorifying and worshipping Him, in a pure and holy state. When we allow sin, no matter how seemingly small, it is like bringing a mistress or idol in between us and God. He longs to be with us, and is jealous of anything that turns our thoughts and heart away from Him. His holiness wants us fully, completely.
What does this mean for me? First, it gives me a stronger understanding of how my sin defiles my relationship with God. This then gives me a deeper longing to have no sin – to be with my God purely and wholly. Because I am unable to live a sin free life, it makes me cling to Christ even more, knowing that I cannot be good enough to free myself from the things I do even though I hate them. It pushes me to touch the robe of the one who bought me and redeemed me.
In the book I’m reading, The True Woman, there is a quote by Elizabeth Prentiss, “To love Christ more – this is the deepest need, the constant cry of my soul. Down in the bowling-alley, and out in the woods, and on my bed, and out driving, when I am happy and busy, and when I am sad and idle, the whisper keeps going up for more love, more love, more love.”
This prayer and thought of Prentiss is shared by me; that my life could somehow reflect more love to Christ, more love to Christ, more love to Christ.

Caleb and his Shoes


Caleb and his Shoes 2, originally uploaded by StephLewis.

Caleb went over by our front door and was playing with all of the shoes there. He especially likes my camo slip-ons because they have gold sparkly stars on them. Well, he started crawling away and I saw that he had taken off his own shoes and placed them with ours! Coincidence? Who knows. Notice he left the sock in one of the shoes. 🙂

The City With Foundations


When I lived in Cupertino, before baby, and was teaching art and finishing my master’s degree, I found myself frustrated by the mundane day-to-day things. One of my biggest peeves was unlocking my front door. It was more complicated than it needed to be. I’d usually get home late at night, and the yard light may or may not have been on. After exiting the car, I’d stick my overly-heavy backpack on my back, then head to the trunk to bring in other things. This could include piles of papers or portfolios of artwork to grade, my toolbox of art supplies, my large portfolio of personal drawings, binders of curriculum, video & photo equipment, piles of library books, groceries, and other such things. I hated taking two trips, so I’d just pack it all on myself like I was some kind of pack horse or alpaca.
Then I’d get to the door, possibly in the dark because of no yard light on, and set some of the things down so I could use my finger to pry open the screen door, usually doing some kind of bendy-twisty dance because of the awkward shape of our entry – a wall on one side and a pointy shrub on the other. I’d use my foot to kick open the door, then dig through all of my pockets to find my keys (I never remembered which one I put them in). Finally, I’d stick the keys in the lock, then put pressure on the door at just the right angle to get my key to turn. The door would fly back and I’d have to grab my mass of things, now mostly dropped in piles around the sidewalk. My home entry would end with grabbing my stuff and tossing it just inside the door while repeatedly getting slammed on by the screen door and trying to keep the cat from escaping.
I hated getting through that front door so much that I once said to Josh, “I wish I could stand at that front door and just unlock it for three months straight and then never have to unlock it again.” While I’m sure he probably thought I was weird, I considered how cool it would be if you could sort of stock up on mundane tasks to get you through. What if the length of your shower was related to the length of time you stayed clean? What if you could wash dishes for a length of time only to have them stay clean for a proportionate amount of time afterwards? The truth is that, no matter how long your shower is, one step in the mud and you’re dirty again. And, no matter how long you wash a dish, one spoonful of baked beans dirties it again. And, no matter how long you spend unlocking your front door, you’re just going to have to do it again the next time you come home.
Why do I write about this? Because I made a great realization recently. This life is where I am stocking up on mundane tasks. I’m doing lots of hard things now – boring things, tedious things, annoying things. I was reading Hebrews 11 and was struck by verse 10. Here it is in context:

 8By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. 9By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. 10For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

Abraham was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. Everything I do now, whether mundane or otherwise, are temporary to my life on this earth; I am living in tents. But I, like Abraham, look forward to the city with foundations. That thought puts everything in perspective to me. Everything I experience here is a blip on the screen compared to an eternity spent worshipping my God.



Caleb is quite verbal for his age. He says Mama, Dada, Ella, and All Done. His favorite word is Ella. He calls Henson Ella, he called my cousins puppy Ella, the neighbor’s dog is Ella, and when we go for a walk and hear dogs barking in the distance, he looks at me and proclaims, “Ella!” And I say yes, it’s a dog, just like Ella. And he grins.
Today he had Ella in his sights as he crawled quickly toward her. “Ella! Ella! Ellllll-ahhhhhhhh!” he shouted. Ella looked at him, nearing her at a faster-than-usual pace, and bolted out of the room onto the safety of the couch. Caleb stopped in defeat, knowing he couldn’t keep up with her let alone get onto the couch. He started to cry in frustration, but luckily there was a vent nearby for him to look at and hit. He loves vents.
Boy does he crawl around. Today for the first time he grabbed onto a lower-rung of a dining room chair and pulled himself up to a kneeling, then a-frame position. He wants to stand so bad.
I’m loving my talkative, fast-paced little guy. My favorite part of the day is on our daily walk. We walk down to the lake, go to the end of the public dock and sing a hymn. Well, I sing the hymn. Caleb points to stuff and babbles. The dogs enjoy the sunshine on their brace leash. Does it get any better? I savor those moments and try to press them into my mind so I never forget the wonder, the feeling of completeness, the uber-contentedness.

Swimmin’ in the Busy-ness


Using a Float Boat, originally uploaded by StephLewis.

Caleb and I are doing a swim class on Thursday nights. It’s so much fun to see all the kids under 24 months swimming around. Caleb LOVES it and pretty much grins & kicks the whole time. Josh nabbed this pic of us in his floating boat that we got to play with for a little while. He also dunks under water pretty well. And, of course, there’s the motor boat song at the end. Anything that ends with loud motor noises and zipping around is his favorite.

Sidenote: We move into our house in two weeks. Josh and I are completely stoked. I’ve been very busy with all that connects with moving across the country and into a new house. Lately I’ve been doing: closing/title paperwork, transferring home & auto & life insurance, taxes, 401K & accounts for the monies, making lists of things we need for the house and searching for great deals, organizing updates to the house, connecting with mom groups & our new church, getting our cars cared for, ironing slacks, scheduling moving trucks, canceling CA appts. and making new ones in MN, celebrating birthdays & holidays, and caring for Caleb! Whew… I’m tired but joyous.

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