
I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Caleb Updates


Caleb can roll from his back to his side. He gets all frustrated and grunts a lot, then starts rocking with his head until he gets on his side. Then he has a look of extreme satisfaction. Caleb can flail his arms to turn on the music of his Smart Start Turtle. You just have Read More

I’m Okay With That


It’s been interesting to see how I adapt from crazy-busy Stephanie to Mommy Stephanie. While teaching art full time, crazy-busy Stephanie finished her master’s degree, National Board Certification, several art classes, CLAD credential, BTSA program (don’t ask), and California teaching credential in an amazing four years. She also took on many side gigs such as Read More

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Worth It?


So, I’ve watched half of the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Many of my friends have watched and loved the show, so I figured I’d give it a shot. Problem is, I’m not really into it. Occasionally there is a funny moment, or some neat acrobatics. Apart from that, I’m just not getting Read More

Caleb at Church


Today was Caleb’s first day at church. It was so joyful to walk in with him and see the faces of our church family light up with joy. Many of these people have been praying for us for years, so I just felt blessed beyond belief to be holding God’s provision in my hands. I Read More

Caleb Has Arrived


He’s finally here. I’m sure I’ll write more later about my experiences, but right now Josh and I are just excited about getting to know him. You can check this blog, my Flickr photos, and Josh’s blog for updates. I will also remove the freaky “space baby” countdown from the sidebar at this point. Oh, Read More

No Baby Yet.


I told Josh the other day that I am so ready to give birth that I’m not afraid of any of the pain involved. In fact, I said, if women had to get hit by semi-trucks on the freeway in order to give birth, I’d be out there right now jumping in front of the Read More

Baby Names


I’ve had lots of weird dreams lately, and they usually involve having children and strange things that go with that. The funniest part has been waking up and going, “We named our kid ______?!?!” Here are my the baby names that have shown up in my dreams: Layla Lee Lewis (which Josh later changed to Read More

Capitola It Is!


After I finished my work on my master’s degree, Josh said that I needed to come up with something that I wanted to do to celebrate. This was literally what I thought: “GO SURFING! YEAH! I’ve been wanting to surf for so long… oh. Wait. Um. No surfing. Okay, second choice. VOLLEYBALL! Get a bunch Read More

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