I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


My Cropped Career


Since Josh announced our impending parenthood, I have found myself lacking pants that will actually button. It all started one morning as I pulled up my favorite jeans and sucked in my belly only to realize that I still couldn’t button them. So, I went for the next pair on my shelf only to have Read More

Cupertino Courier Article


The Cupertino Courier just posted a news article about technology use in our district, which has a great edu-speak quote by me. I’m not sure where they’ll end up posting the perma-link, so I just made a pdf of it here for future reference. Read the article here. The summary is that CEEF has a Read More

Hearing Educational Blunders


Well, I just received two of my favorite e-mails from another professional in my district. Our students just did the hearing screening and we were notified of the results. E-mail #1: “*Student’s Name* just failed the hearing test in his left ear. Please make sure that he is seated in the class so that his Read More

Gilmore Girls Ban


It’s official. After last week’s Gilmore Girl’s episode, I have officially decided to ban the show. You’re talking to a girl who owns seasons 1-6 on DVD (but I got season 6 a little begrudgingly…). The problem with Gilmore Girls is that after season 5, the characters started acting like complete idiots. Lorelai, who was Read More

Can’t a Girl Get Some French Dressing?


When Josh and I first moved to the Bay Area, we noticed several changes from our life in Minnesota. Some of the changes were big obvious things. But others were small, confusing things. Like the time we were eating at a restaurant and I ordered a salad with French dressing. The waitress looked at me Read More

The Complexities Within


You totally have to watch this video: Cellular Visions: The Inner Life of a Cell. A colleague sent ti to me. It’s an animation done by XVIVO, a scientific animation company, for Harvard biology students. It took academic data and narrative from the biology lab and Harvard, and made it in a way that simple Read More

Hardest Back to Work Day of All


Well, I go back to work tomorrow. It’s the most difficult to go back after the holiday break because I’ve had a little rest, a little play, and gotten a little work done — but never as much as I wanted to. Now I wake up today (around 1:30 p.m. to boot, gotta love the Read More

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