I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.




This is my character: Whatsherface Well, I wanted to give Josh some incentive to help me with some extra jobs around the house. So, I gave him a stopwatch and told him I would pay him back the time by playing World of Warcraft. So, yesterday I created my own character Whatsherface. I’m a human Read More

Flirt or Prophet?


Totally bizarro day yesterday. So, I’m running my regular errands around town & decide to get gas on my way home. So, I pull up to the gas station & a man (who I think works there) comes out to talk to me. I’m opening up the gas cap and all that and he strikes Read More

Middle-Aged Coffeehouses


Josh and I are chilling in Mill Valley, California right now. We decided we needed a weekend away from the Silicon Valley shuffle to chill out with each other and get work done. We’re at the Acqua Hotel, which has been a pretty nice stay so far. We have some great views of Mt. Tamalpais Read More

Young Joshua, Old Stephanie


Well, according to an article on Slashdot, playing video games keeps the brain from aging by keeping it “limber,” if you will. So, I guess I’m getting older and older with each passing day, and Josh is just getting younger and younger. Pretty soon there will be a whole generation gap between us. But, at Read More

Just Bassin’


Well, my brothers Chad and Nathan hit the Fishers of Men National Championship Bass Tournament this weekend. After yesterday they were ranked 26th out of 250 competitors. Here’s a pic of Nathan on stage for his weigh-in yesterday. Today it was trimmed down to 120 competitors. Here’s a pic of the top folks, after today’s Read More

A Rip in My Shoe


I’ve been struggling a lot the past few days with feeling like I’m missing the point in my life. Feeling like I’m just generally getting numb to things I used to find fun. Wondering what fun is. I know that sounds lame and depressing, but I honestly think it’s a mid-life thing that lots of Read More

Moving Forward


I haven’t had time to write about this until now, but Josh and I are reconsidering child options once again. We started talking about it again in December and told our close family and friends to pray. We don’t feel like we have to have a child now, immediately, but we think in two years Read More

Living in the Valley


It’s fast pace. Pretty much all the time. Just the other day, Josh made some comment about a kid walking slowly (a.k.a. normally) through a crosswalk. Something about how that kid should be more curtious and hurry up because look at all the cars waiting for him!!! Man. You can’t even cross the street at Read More

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