I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


I Love a Good Break!


Yes! This weekend has ruled! On Tuesday, we had lots of fun events at school including the student vs. staff volleyball game and the turkey trot (kids race the 880). Those are loads of fun and it’s fun to send the students off for a good long break. Not to mention sending MYSELF off to Read More

Homeless People


One of the joys of teaching is that sometimes the responses students give you for things are down right hilarious. This one was great: Question: If someone said to you, “I can’t draw, I wasn’t born with that talent,” what advice would you give them? Student Response: It doesn’t matter how well you draw, it’s Read More



Oh my gosh. I’ve been sick all week because I knew that my National Board Scores were supposed to be posted online today. The weight has lifted, and ladies and gentlemen, I PASSED! I didn’t think I would since only 15% of people pass the first time around. But… BRAG BRAG BRAG! Oh my gosh, Read More



I was playing Ella Fitzgerald in my class at Hyde the other day. The students were all working on a still life drawing and listening to some of her classic hits for about a half hour when one kid exclaims, “This lady SUCKS!!!” I was like, “Ummm… Sorry, what did you just say?” And then Read More

Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Stayin’ Alive!


I have a paper due tomorrow. I’m still trying to decide which of two topics to do. The first one has less information available, but being that it’s only a 3 page paper it may do me good to do the simpler one. The other topic has an insane amount of information available, meaning I’d Read More

Writing. Blech.


I know that some of you are writers and you love to toy with words. I too have my moments, but usually writing is torture. I mean, unless it’s something I’m really passionate about or is a really great story to tell, I just hate doing it. And I avoid it. And I just… well, Read More

My Mother’s Hands


Every now and then I look down at my hands and go, “Ahhh!” Reason is, my mom and I have the SAME EXACT HANDS. Seriously, it’s spooky how much they look alike. Sometimes, when I look down, my brain actually thinks they ARE my mom’s hands for a moment. Yeah… I know… REALLY CREEPY!



I forgot to write about a little trip Josh and I took about a month ago. A bunch of leaders from our church’s jr. high staff went to a beach house in the Pajaro Dunes. As you can see, it’s a really beautiful place. We hung out, had some spiritual training sessons from Mark. Anyway, Read More

And I’m Back in the Game!


Well, due to my illness, I’ve been out of volleyball for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. My doctor said I couldn’t do anything that might cause an asthma attack because my lungs were being stupid. I had to take steriods and just finished taking the end of them today. I definitely feel much better today, even though Read More

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