I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


Accidental Overdose


I went to the doctor today and learned that people with allergies and asthma are very prone to getting various kinds of skin rashes. Grrrrrreat. So, I was given a topical cream to put on should such flare-ups occur. (It has steroids…I wonder if that will help with my spiking ability…) I was reading the Read More

Feelin Good.


I’ve been a surfin volleyball weight-lifting machine lately. I’ve been so hooked on outdoor sports and my new membership to Apple Fitness that I’ve pretty much collapsed every night for the past week because I’ve just been completely physically exhausted. It’s so nice. Today was awesome playing volleyball because I’ve been doing exercises & lifting Read More

Internet, How I Love Thee


I didn’t have Internet for the last two days at home. Well, very sporadically. Anyhoo, I didn’t realize how much I relied on the Internet. I kept going back to my laptop to try again and again to connect. Turned out there were some issues with the base station or whatever. Add to that the Read More

Teachery Awards


My school is currently going through their voting process for teacher of the year. Some of the older teachers have boycotted the voting process because they say, “I haven’t seen all of the candidates teach.” Which got me thinking. How does someone get teacher of the year? Do we just vote in any old baffoon? Read More

The X-Files


So, my drama students will be perfoming in a one-act titled The XYZ Files, which is a spoof on the television series The X-Files. Can anyone recommend some good episodes or a good season to watch? I’d like to watch a few episodes to get a good feel for the show and I’d like to Read More

Groundhog Day


Well, I’m forcing myself to write a bit since I’ve been in a hole for far too long. So, I finished the portfolio part of my national board stuff and I just have six tests left. Then, I’m finished assuming I pass everything. Most teachers take two years to finish since less that 10% pass Read More

I’ve Got the Board Blues


Well, I’m at that yucky part. The part where everthing is mostly done and I’m just tying up loose strings. Lots of loose strings everywhere. I’m editing all of my piles of writing, reading through the binder again to make sure I didn’t forget anything, scanning through my matierials, getting people to edit my work… Read More

I Hate Writing


Well, I’m at the point in my National Board thingy where all I have left is a buttload of writing. This is where I get the chance to explain every little decision I make in a good 50+ pages. I hate writing. Okay, I like blogging. I like writing silly poems and even sillier songs. Read More



I’m so looking forward to finishing this National Board stuff. Everything is falling in place just great. A couple more weeks of focus and discipline and I’ll be done with my portfolio. I feel pretty good about it. I’m mostly proud of how I’ve been able to manage my time and stress levels through this. Read More

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