I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.

If You Could Be a Rock Star…


They had this think on the radio this morning where they were letting people call in and say what rock star (living or dead) they wish they could be. It was funny to listen to people explain their reasoning. One guy said he’d like to be Duran Duran because of all the “half naked women they got to hang around.” A kid called in and wanted to be Lenny Kravitz because “he has a cool stomach and can play the guitar…sort of.” One girl wanted to be Sheryl Crow because “she’s like 40-somthing and is still really hot.” Another lady wanted to be David Bowie…not sure why…but she did nonetheless. Anyway, it was funny to hear who people would be and why. No one wanted to be Michael Jackson.
So, I got to thinking…Joni Mitchell???…Carole King??? I finally came down to two choices. My second choice is Sporty Spice.  I just think it would be fun to be in a generated girls music group that acts crazy and gets to make their own English-humored movie (which is actually a pretty fun movie). And I’d pick Sporty over the others because she has the best voice and gets to dress comfy.
My super-dooper ultimate choice would be Dave Matthews. Just because he has some seriously amazing music with sounds that just make me feel alive (sometimes a little freaked out…but alive nonetheless). I would love to just be around those sounds all the time. That is some sweet sweet music.

Burning Paper


My mother’s generation burned their bras. I think my generation is burning paper. Seriously, I’m starting to hate the stuff and all the waste. For example, twice a week Josh and I receive this “coupon mailer” and “bargain savings” pile of papers in the mail. We never look at it, it just goes straight into the recycling (hey, at least we recycle now). What a waste!
I used to be into scrapbooking. Now I hate it. I was looking at my scrapbooks thinking, “Why on earth would I spend my time to sit down and make those when I could just post the pics on the web?” Then it dawned on me that life has changed. There isn’t anything gratifying to me to be able to hold pictures in my hand, or even to hang pictures on my wall (all frames should be digitized). In fact, it’s annoying.
I have become the queen of the pdf document. I still wish I could read, take notes, and highlight things that are on my computer though. There needs to be a program that allows me to make highlights and notations on a pdf. There is Zinio now, so you can have a magazine reading experience withouth the paper (and I’m hoping also without the expense).
I used to want the Canon EOS 35mm SLR camera, now I want the Canon EOS Digital. I don’t ever want to buy a photo album again. Stupid things.
Burning paper is my message of rebellion against what many people today feel is a print-dominated society that forces people into unnecessary and wasteful foundations soley for the viewing pleasure of the population. And I don’t need it. Let’s light up!

Fantasia Whiting???


I’m an aunt again! I think I want to be Aunt Steffie…it just sounds cool. Looks stupid. But sounds cool.
Anyway, my brother contacted me yesterday to say that they had a beautiful girl. They’re still squabbling over what they are going to name her. My students suggest that we name her Fantasia. You know, in honor of her being born on the same day our third American Idol was named. Who, by the way, has a freaking incredible voice. If you haven’t heard her sing Summertime yet, then you’re missing a little piece of heaven! But, she’s not heaven enough to name a child after her. Oh, and the kid might think that they’re also named after Walt Disney’s Fantasia. Which would not be a good thing at all. I mean, it was a great thing to be the first cool animation-dealy (in 1940 no less)…but let’s face it, it’s just boring. I used to turn down the volume and watch it to my Metallica CD just because it was funny. Good times.
Anyway, I’ll post some pics of the little tyke soon so you can all oooo and awwww at how freaking cute the Whiting genes are.

Depth of Sin and Separation


When I was growing up, I never thought of myself as a sinner. I mean, I mostly kept the Ten Commandments (the “big” ones anyway). And, the ones I was breaking, I was so ignorant to that I didn’t recognize it. My cohort Camille and I had planned on studying sin for one session, but it has been extended repeatedly and we are having our 4th week on the topic tomorrow. I guess that sin is bigger than I thought. It can’t be brushed over in a nice 2 hour session.
A lot of my girls defined sin as breaking God’s commandments. But, a deeper look into scripture revealed that sin is something bigger than that. It is anything that separates us from God, anything that causes us to turn away, anything that takes our eyes off of Jesus and onto ourselves. With that definition in mind, the doors blew open for me. I am such a sinner. The depth of my sin astounds me and I am reminded of imagery from The Passion of Christ getting beaten and slipping in his own blood.
Looking at your own faults is not a fun thing, as you may well know. I see now what a bully I was in school. I hurt so many other kids. I used my way of dressing to attract the attention of boys when I was in school, and even taunted them when given the opportunity. I see how selfish I have been always talking over people. Silence scares me in crowds so I usually talk too much and listen very little. I am very sarcastic and freak people out. I put my work before people too often. I seek material goods to make me feel some kind of temporary elation. I listen to people talk and always assume that what I have to say is much more interesting. I relate to and trust women very poorly. I claim that I have accomplished great things, when in reality it has been God accomplishing great things. I put down others instead of being more noble and helping them to grow or just loving them. I look at others and think, “At least I’m not them.” I help others to accomplish my own ends. I refuse to help with theatrical things, claiming that they won’t be “high enough quality” to meet my standards.
When I think of the depth of my sin it makes me physically sick. When I see the gap it creates between me and God I feel a stab in my side and horrible weakness. I am not so big. And, whether I’d like to admit it or not, my choices hold the potential to hurt others and to hurt God. It makes me feel a bit paranoid to live, always trying to avoid the next sin.
And that is what makes God so awesome, so incredible beyond imagination.
Then I reflect upon the words of John Alexander, “Sin is the best news there is, the best news there could be in our predicament. Because with sin, there’s a way out. There’s the possibility of repentance. You can’t repent of confusion or physical or psychological flaws. You’re stuck with them! But, you can repent of sin. Sin and repentance are the only grounds for hope and joy.”
And makes me think of the song Lord, I Love Your Ways.
Your kindness has come, bringing sweet repentance
Sweet forgiveness….

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The Day the Beads Came Down


I have this huge container in my class that is full of beads for jewelry projects. It has, oh, about 6 pounds of beads (which translates to maybe 5,000 beads or so). Yeah. One of my students dropped it today. It was a nice, peaceful time with everyone working hard on projects. Then, BAM! SPLOOSH!!! (It’s amazing how beads sound like waves). SCITTERRRRR….. Oops! *Laughter* Everyone looks to me to see my reaction. My reaction is this, “Everyone get a broom & dustpan!” Immediately everyone stands up and starts crawling around my classroom like a crazy bunch of guinea pigs…or whatever else crawls around crazily. I’d say we were crawling around like Henson, but that would assume that we were eating the beads, which we were not.
It was actually kind of fun. It’s neat to see a bunch of middle schoolers turn into human bead vacuums. The students were laughing too…it’s the hottest topic in the halls.
Crafts class rules.

The Possibility in Nothing


I was really looking forward to last weekend. I mean, really REALLY looking forward to it. There seemed like so much possibility in it…like an open book, a new day, a fresh start. See, when you’re bogged down in the middle of a week and you have to kick a kid out of your class, develop regular migranes during last period, and have to explain for the nine-millionth time that late work is not accepted…well, you really look forward to the great possiblity in the weekend. What would I do with all that time? Read? Go for a walk? Paint a really great painting? Work on my website? Save the world?
No. This weekend held possibillities much greater than any of those tasks (at least in my mind…except for maybe saving the world, but I’ll do that another weekend). What was the most appealing, the most satisfying thought, was the possiblity of doing nothing. Yup, that’s right. Nothing. When was the last time I did nothing? I dunno…don’t think that far back. But last weekend, there was a whole lot of nothing going on.
This is what I did last weekend: Went to a friend’s volleyball game (1 hour), did laundry & picked up (maybe 2 hours), watched Gilmore Girls and played Harvest Moon (all the other time…maybe like 25 hours). It was SO COOL!!!
I realized something important. It actually takes some pretty hard work to do nothing. I had to turn down a bunch of people to hang out. I had to insist that I didn’t care if those icky syrup-covered dishes were still in the sink (too bad Neal wasn’t around to clean them for me). I had to avoid my blog and the blogs of other people because that could mean several hours of comment posting! I had to ignore the books on the top shelf (also known as the “waiting to be read” or “currently being read” shelf). I had to ignore the fact that my rose bush is growing out of control. I had to leave the ready-to-be graded papers at school. Whew! Well, all that doing nothing kind of wore me out.
But it was so satisfying. I think having a weekend of doing practically nothing is similar to eating a huge banana split by yourself. A little sickening…but so so sweet.

Importance of Reading


I’ve been amazed at how important it is to instill a love of reading in children. It means so much in terms developing the imagination, vocabulary, thought process, memory…. It also helps us to live vicariously through characters so we can perhaps avoid making their mistakes in our own lives.
I’ve been around lots of kids who hate reading. Usually their parents hate reading too. Well, not really “hate” it per se, but they definitely don’t read beyond the occasional magazine picked up at the grocery store check out line. These are the kids that, I’ve seen, struggle in school because their reading comprehension is low for their age so they don’t “get” a lot of what is happening in any of their classes where reading is required.
Anyway…as a teacher I’ve just seen how stinking important it is for kids to be lovers of reading. It totally shapes them all around and it makes a huge difference in their life. So…read a book to or with someone today! It’s a great time!
(public service announcement provided to you by stephlewis.com)

Cinco de Piñata


Being that today is Cinco de Mayo, my Crafts classes joined with the Spanish classes to celebrate. My classes made piñatas and the Spanish classes…well…they speak Spanish. Anyway, we tell them the story of how the Mexican Peasants kicked some French Boo-tay and how that battle has been a symbol of the strength and courage found in the Mexican people. Then, we broke open a bunch of piñatas and ate an insane amount of candy. Good times. You totally need to check out the cool piñatas my students made.

Ode to Medical Science


I have always considered myself to be a very healthy person. I’m strong and am an all around good athlete. I love to do physical activity and fight off colds pretty well. I have a high tolerance fo pain, when it does strike. So, it was a wake up call when I went to the my doctor a few weeks ago. He told me to tell him my complete medical history. At first I thought, “Well, I’m really healthy.” Then the truth started to come out. Besides the three miscarriages… There was that time I went to the Philippines and started losing my vision because of some freaky, rare parasite I caught. A few months on heavy steroids almost completely fixed the problem. Oh, and there was that time I got Lyme’s disease and had to walk with a cane for a couple months until I couldn’t walk at all. I stayed on my parent’s couch watching movies…eventually it was excruciatingly painful just to turn my head. Eventually, I was put on a new medication for Lyme’s Disease which has almost completely fixed the problem. Oh, and there was that time I fell off my horse and compacted my spine after hitting my head on a huge rock. That one took longer to recuperate from and I still have back problems today.
The doctor looked at me and said, “Wow. It sounds like you’ve had quite an extensive medical history.”
This was a total wake up call to me, the one who considered herself to be very healthy. The one who, without medical science would have potentially died twice, and gone blind. Then the wake-up call continued. If it wasn’t for medical technology, I’d still have terrible headaches from my wisdom teeth. And, everyone in my family except my mom would be dead. That’s so weird to think about. We are so lucky and it kind of blows my mind to consider this whole thing.
So, this is my small thanks to those throughout history who have taken an interest in medicine and the technologies that help it along.

Learning to Draw


This entry is not just because I am an Art teacher, so I’m not trying to be some kind of a ringer and freak out about this issue. But, I do really see some serious problems with children lacking quality education. I’m not just talking about being able to finger paint when you’re a kid. I mean, really teaching people how to draw what they see, to be able to use a variety of materials, to be able to interpret visual languate, to effectively criticize the quality of visual things, to see how Art relates to history & society, etc.
I’m taking this class on Flash Animation. The teacher told us to create a simple animated garden using some of the techniques we had learned. The adults around me started complaining that they didn’t know how to draw a flower…and couldn’t they just get one off the internet instead of having to draw it? The teacher told them not to worry, that it didn’t have to be perfect, then demonstrated a simple daisy shape using the circle tool. Still there was complaining! I was amazed not only at the lack of ability to draw such a simple shape, but was more so amazed at the fear of having to draw something free hand. Even though the assignment said that the drawing didn’t have to be perfect and could be very simple.
Eventually I had a crowd of people around me looking at my flower telling me what an amazing artist I am. It was kind of funny to me because I had very quickly created flowers and filled them in with the paintbucket tool using a gradient fill. This, apparently, was a really big deal and made me some kind of genius.
Why is it that we place so little value on this kind of thing, especially when the upcoming generations are increasingly visual? Is it good that we’re teaching people to rip this images off from the internet, rather than learning how to overcome obstacles and create original work?
I even had one lady offer to pay me five bucks if I’d just draw her one quick flower. I declined the money and showed her step-by-step how to make one herself. Her flower turned out fine.
I think there is a very good possiblity that people fear a blank canvas even more than public speaking.

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