I am an artist & teacher with a ❤ for visual expression, educational methodology, homesteading, & Jesus. My geek-love is The Joshua and we have three peanut-butters: Caleb, Jack, & Louritta.


I Met a Crazy Dude


After my art history class today, I sat on a bench outside to check my e-mail and enjoy the beautiful day. As I struggled to get onto the stupidly-put-together wifi connection at SJSU, a crazy dude came up to me. This is how the conversation went: CrazyDude: Excuse me, do you know the time? Me: Read More

Wide-Eyed Childhood


Well, I’ve been “reading” the Narnia books lately. I already finished The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and am now part way through The Magician’s Nephew. Man, they’re even better than I remember them to be from when I read them in 3rd-5th grade. But, besides that, I have been seeing lots of contrasts Read More

Catch Up!


Ever feel like life is a never-ending game of catch up? It’s like, I just finish all this crap and then realize that there’s a whole steaming pile over there now too. I got a ton done on Saturday, but by Sunday I was completely fried and could not concentrate on anything. Now, today, my Read More

Fear of Silicosis


The above pic was taken from a website surveying the danger of silicosis in American industry in the 30’s. Granted, my job is not sending me down in mines or anything. But, I am around lots of clay, which contains silica. So, two years ago, my school installed an air conditioner in my room, which Read More

My Illness Is Nasty, But Boy is it Pretty!


Dr. Tsutomu Seimiya, Interference image of a microscopic flow-pattern in draining soap film (15x), 13th place in the Nikon Small World Contest. Well, I’m officially sick of being sick. This stuffy, achy, muscle-hurty, ickness has got to go. It seems that I only get sick when I have no time to be sick. Isn’t that Read More

Me and Mark Down By the Schoolyard


Actually, that title comes from the song Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard. So, I got to paint sets, organize costumes, and coach speech with Mark. While I loved all of those things, my favorite was probably my friendship with Mark. He’s a real swell guy with a big heart and lots of crazy Read More

Out of This World


Has anybody seen the cheesy 80’s sitcom Out of This World? It was terrible. But, besides that, the main character had this sweet ability to put her fingers together and stop time. Then she could run around and unfreeze other people and get into all kinds of antics before she would unfreeze time again. Like, Read More

Thoughts on Death


Death seems to be the topic of the day. A coworker said that today is the 17th anniversary of the day his mother died. He was busy bringing his kids to school and went to wake her up and she was naked, sprawled out on the floor in her room, no breath left in her. Read More

Portfolio Work In Progress


Well, I’ve been looking at finally adding to the portfolio link of my website. Goodness knows I have a TON of artwork to put up there, but who has the time? So, Josh and I sat down today and have put together a nice little format for how it’s going to work. Granted, it won’t Read More

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